Wednesday, January 28, 2015


by Brenda L. Agee

"The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I hope in Him!"  The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.  It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.    Lamentations 3:24-26 (NKJV)

Years ago one of my dearest friends came to me.  She had just found out her husband had been unfaithful and she was devastated.  I was divorced a couple of years prior to her visit and yet I didn't know how to help her.  I simply said, "I'll pray for you" and then I prayed and sent her on her way.  I was not a comfort.  I was not a true friend.  I was nothing to her.  As empty as I felt when she left, I knew that she was even more so.  I cried and cried because I didn't know how to share God's hope.

Most of us have been through difficulties which were like storms swirling around us.  It isn't easy to talk about during the time and even later, it isn't easy when we remember the pain.  There are times still when Satan's taunts me with past hurts and tries to convince me that I have no hope.  He twists circumstances and situations in order to place himself as judge and accuser over me.  But Satan hasn't won and God has brought me through all things so I know God will continue to bring me through all things.  I'm not saying it's always easy but I am saying there is always a victory and eventual ending of the storm that rages.

And there is always hope in God.  Hope is not something we see.  Hope is not an emotion.  Hope is knowing that regardless of what's happening or how I feel or what I see around me, God will bring me through.

"We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield."  
Psalm 33:20 (KJV)

During the past several months many of my friends and family have gone through some horrible, terrifying, devastating, and sad times.  Some have experienced the death of a very young beloved child and friend through an automobile accident.  Some have known tragedy through the prolonged healing of a little girl still in the hospital who was hurt in the same automobile accident months ago.  Others I know have had legal difficulties or have loved ones suffering those difficulties.  There are illnesses,
emotional trauma, family displacements, and more.

I have a heavy heart for those who are hurting and I long to ease their pain but I know that it isn't me who gives hope.  It's only God who can really help them but I pray He will use me in some way.  I can pray for them and pray that God grant me grace in letting them know there is hope still.  

With God's mercy since the time years ago that my friend came to me, and with my having gone through great pain and sorrow myself, there are a few things I have learned.

I've learned to be still.  Psalm 46:10 "He says, “Be still, and know that I am God . . . "  When I lived in Pittsburg, Kansas, I sat with a friend who was hurting and crying.  I held her hand and sat with her for a long while.  Neither one of us said a word.  When her children were due home from school, we hugged each other before I left and even then, neither of us spoke.  A couple of years later, she said that our being together in silence had left her with strength and peace.

I've learned to listen.  Sometimes we are too quick to answer or say something, anything, rather than truly listen.  When Jesus took Peter, James, and John with Him to the mount, Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus.  Jesus' appearance changed while Moses and Elijah were present in their "splendor."  As soon as Moses and Elijah left Jesus, Peter immediately started talking.  God, however, spoke.  Luke 9:34-36 reads, "While he (Peter) was speaking, a cloud appeared and covered them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud.  A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” 

Yes, before we speak we must listen.  Sometimes the other person just needs to cry or talk with someone and they don't always need our words.  We listen to the one who is hurting and most of all, we listen to Jesus through the Holy Spirit.  When they do need our words, may we have listened first so we might know what to say or do, and how to give comfort. 

I've learned to wait.  Grieving is personal and no one should tell others that their time for grieving should be over.  We are not to be impatient with those who hurt, but rather let God bring them through in His perfect time.  It isn't the time period that matters, but it's the hope during the time of grieving or sorrow that matters.  While I struggled for decades with the pain of having been molested, when I felt like crying for years after having been beaten, when I felt the anguish of losing more than one marriage, when I was devastated with learning I had an illness that could cause an early death, I knew that no matter what and no matter how long it took, God would bring me through with hope.   

There were many who questioned my faith because the pain lingered past the time they thought I should have been over it.  However, my faith increased during those years because I always believed and had hope that God would heal my broken heart.  I didn't tell God when or how quickly to do so, I simply trusted that He would.  "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." (Psalm 42:5 NIV)  

There are other things that I've learned about sharing my hope.  I'm no longer afraid to speak up and share the pain I've endured.  I'm no longer timid about going to or talking with either friends or strangers who hurt.  I've learned that I went through many things so that I might let others know there is hope.  It isn't me who gives hope: it is Jesus!  It is always my prayer that Jesus will become the absolute and true Hope for those who hurt!

A number of years ago I wrote a poem for a friend.  I made a cross-stitching of the poem and have had it hanging on my walls ever since.  Anyone who visited me could have read it and some did, but I think I've only given a copy of it to one or two people.  However, it's not doing anyone any good by just hanging on my wall.  So after much prayer, I've decided to share this poem with you.  I give God the glory and share this in His love so all I ask is that if you share this poem with another, please include my name as the author and do not use your name or someone else as the author.   

It's always my prayer that you will know that God never fails in His love for us and He doesn't just give hope, He is Hope.  May you be blessed with His love now and forever! 


by Brenda L. Agee©

A breath of hope is all I have to give you as a friend.
No greater gift is mine to give than to tell of peace within.
A breath of hope is all I have to give of God's sweet love,
That when we feel our hope is lost, there's joy in God above.
Days and time don't always end the way that we expect.
Instead of dreams which linger on, there's pain we can't forget.
At times we feel so all alone with disappointment and despair
And then our hearts cry out to God: We go to Him in prayer.

In God's full love His Spirit comes to comfort us with peace
And even though we see Him not, He's there to meet our needs.
He tells the Father of our pain.  He tells of thoughts and tears.
He whispers love within our hearts to let us know He's near.
By this we know the love of God, for us He gave His life.
He feels our every pain and fear and hears us when we cry.
By this we know the peace of God, a promise from long ago,
His Spirit to dwell within our hearts, He is our breath of hope.




Thursday, January 1, 2015

No Resolutions For Me!

by Brenda L. Agee
Well here we are . . . January 1, 2015.  A brand new year.  The church I grew up in would always have a New Year's Eve party called a "Watch Party".  What I remember most was everyone's excitement as we nibbled on snacks, played games, sang songs, and waited.  I honestly don't remember exactly what we did at the stroke of midnight but being in church, I doubt we kissed everyone like they do in the movies!

One particular Watch Party I remember was when my own children were young and we were at a small church in a small town just south of Pittsburg, Kansas.  At the time, I was the Sunday School teacher for the children ages 4-6.  I always loved teaching Sunday School but I never considered myself a children's teacher.  I considered myself - then and now - to be more of a teacher of adults.  But, as I said, I taught the children and I knew they were learning.  They seemed to soak up the Bible lessons like little sponges.

At one point during that party, the adults were playing Bible Trivia but were missing a lot of questions.  Many of my little ones would whisper the answers and finally the adults began to notice.  The children all wanted to play so we challenged the adults to a Bible Trivia game.  The adults chuckled at the thought of playing Bible Trivia against the children but eventually they were convinced to do so. 

The game was on!  It was the adults versus the 4-6 year old, plus a couple of 7year old children.  Of course the adults answered many questions but it soon became apparent that the children were also answering as many as the adults.  Then the score for the children passed the adults score.  The adults started trying harder but to no avail.  After the children won the first round, the adults wanted a rematch.  How funny!  The adults were threatened by my little ones!

The rematch started and the children were so excited that their memories seemed more heightened as they answered correctly question after question.  However, the adults seemed more and more nervous.  Again it was the little ones who won the game!  Now realize that there were no adults on the children's team and no prompting of the children by an adult.  They won their two games fair and square.  The children were elated and the adults were shocked but also proud of their children or grandchildren.

I have to tell you of one little boy who was asked the following question:  "Who lost his strength when he lost his hair?"  The little boy squirmed, placed his hand on his head, started slapping his knee and squealed, "Oh! Oh!  I know what he looks like but I can't think of his name"  Finally he yelled, "SAMSON!  He was Samson!"  He was so cute to watch and his answer was right.

Of course I felt a sense of accomplishment.  I must have been a great teacher after all!  That stayed with me until years later when I realized I wasn't quite the teacher I thought I was.  Oh, the children did learn the Bible.  That part is true but there was definitely another part of my teaching that seemed to stay with them even more, at least with the little girls.  When my daughter was in her teens, we lived in Pittsburg, Kansas, and several of the girls from that early childhood Sunday School class were also in Pittsburg.  One day, two or three of the girls were visiting with my daughter and they started talking about the class when they were little.  They said they could vividly remember me as their teacher.  When I asked what they remembered most, it certainly was not one or even two of the Bible lessons.  They all agreed that what they remembered most was that I taught them to sit with their knees together because they all wore dresses and were little ladies.  I had to laugh.  We all laughed!  What a funny thing to remember after all those years and yet every single girl said they never forgot that lesson.  Maybe I wasn't the best Sunday School teacher after all, but had there been an award for teaching manners and etiquette, I'm sure I would have won!

The New Year always brings its' traditions.  The party, resolutions, wishing everyone Happy New Year, and more.  I decided this year I am absolutely NOT making any New Year's resolutions.  I always break them so I'm not making them.  You may or may not recognize some of these from your own past but here are some of the ones I've broken:

  • Go on a diet . . . I usually break that one around January 2nd.
  • Exercise more . . . I would but I can't remember what the word "exercise" means so that resolution means nothing.
  • Get organized . . . I break that one on January 1st because I already know what is in each little pile of things either on my table or in my drawers so isn't that already being organized?
  • Quit telling the same stories at every get together . . . that is an easy one except I forget which stories I've told until everyone joins in one voice and says, "We know!  You've already told us!"  Resolution broken.
  • Get to bed earlier . . . I already go to bed early, usually around 1:00 a.m.  I guess I could try for 12:30 a.m.  That would be earlier, wouldn't it?
  • Pray more . . . I pray throughout the day so maybe I  should pray more formal prayers at a set time.  I started to pray about that early this morning when I went to bed, but I fell asleep before I finished my prayer so I think I already broke that one. 
  • Read my Bible all the way through this year . . . actually, I also listen to an online audio Bible through Bible Gateway.  Does that count at least a bit?
I went online to read up on a few other resolutions that people make and some of them are rather interesting.  Where do they come up with this stuff?
  • I will always "check for paper" when leaving the restroom.
  • I will always replace the gas nozzle before driving away from the pump.
  • I will try to drive closer to the speed limit. (does that mean they have to slow down or speed up?)
  • I will work harder at my hobbies. (if you have to work at a hobby, is it still a fun hobby, or just work?)
  • I will not talk on my cell phone when in the bathroom. 
 Actually making resolutions seems to be a year-long process for me.  I tell myself that I will or will not do something or I determine to simply be better at something.  But if they are simply my resolutions I know I will break them.  So again, no more resolutions ever!

For me, it is a matter of trusting God more, turning to Him more.  I know I will fail at things on my own whether I call them resolutions or promises.   "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate, I do" (Romans 7:15).  This verse alone explains why my own resolutions cause me to fail.  If I take it upon myself to change then usually at a most inopportune time, I simply don't do what I want to do or I do what I don't want to do.  However, "My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth" (Psalm 121:2) and with Him I can be stronger, more resolved, better equipped to do His will.  

A couple of years ago in my former church, a young man nearly died from an accident at work.  It was so very close but he knew God had spared his life.  When we were talking about it he asked me how he could know what God wanted for his life in the future.  My answer was simple and maybe too simple for what he wanted but I still believe it.  All we have to do is what God wants us to do today.  That's it.  Everyday is "today" when we awaken to a new dawn so every "today" we do what God wants.  Then in one year, five years, or somewhere in our future, we will be doing what God wants because it will still be "today" again.  We will however, be able to look back and see where God has brought us and understand that He led us through all things during those years to be where He wants us.

Sometimes one may think I am too simplistic in the way I say or explain things.  But, I think sometimes we - being human - try to make things too mysterious, or esoteric, by using too many definitions and too many words to describe things about which we actually know very little.  Why do we use such long-winded explanations to simply say that Jesus loves us and wants us to recognize Him and know Him as our Lord?  We are told in Colossians 3:23, "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men".   "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." (Zechariah 4:6)

As I said to my Facebook friends, it isn't about what our future holds for us, it is all about Who holds our future. May we all be willing to place our hearts, our love, our trust in God's hands.

Happy New Year 2015 . . .
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”      Numbers 6:24-26


Father God, thank You for this new year.  I know Your Word says that Your mercies are new every morning.  May we place our trust and our hearts in Your mercies every morning, every new day.  May we allow You to make us who You want us to be for Your glory only.  Thank you, my Lord and my God!   In Jesus Name!