Wednesday, June 3, 2015


I sat with my elbows on my knees and my hands cupping my little face.  I swayed back and forth with the movement of Grandma's hands.  The sounds of Ooh, Ah, and OH! filled the room in response to the details of her stories.  Sometimes I was alone with her, but other times my little sister or my brothers were there, also.  Sometimes we sat on the floor, sometimes on the day bed in their living room.  Other times we sat on a blanket outside, but always we sat in awe of the remarkable things she said and were mesmerized by the way she talked and told her stories.

She told of their covered wagon ride as her family moved from Michigan to Missouri.  I closed my eyes and dreamily tasted the first sweet potatoes my Great-Grandmother had discovered and cooked for her family.  I cringed when Grandma told how she and her brother planned to knock down a hornet's nest then I ducked and screamed when she described in detail what had happened to the man who knocked it down for them, insisting that the occupants of the nest weren't hornets, but flies.  Her detail was so remarkable that I knew I had just been stung by the same hornets!

It was no wonder that when she and Grandpa prayed I knew God was right there with them.  She and Grandpa would pray together at the same time, not one at a time taking turns.  I just knew they loved God first and although I was too young to explain, I knew that if they loved God so much and also loved me, then God loved me as much as He loved them.  A child's reasoning, but the truth.


At home, Mama helped me understand the Bible with fun and unusual lessons.  One time she and I cut out tiny shoe prints from colored paper and she explained that I was to lay them on the floor leading from my bedroom doorway to where I had my Bible.  Footprints leading to Jesus, she said.  We talked for hours about everything a little girl needed to talk about but mostly Mama taught me that Jesus was in every situation that I was in.  

I was bewildered one morning as I sat on the lower steps that led from the kitchen to the upstairs and my bedroom.  Watching Mama and Grandma canning fruit, Mama started to cry.  She laid her head on her own Mama's shoulders and cried that she didn't think there would be enough food for the winter months.  Grandma, with her soothing, gentle voice assured Mama that God would provide.  Then Grandma began praying.  She prayed the whole time Mama scooped the fruit from the seven quart crockery bowl and placed the fruit in the jars.  Only Mama didn't stop at seven quarts.  As Grandma continued to pray, Mama continued canning fruit.  From that one bowl, Mama got not only seven quarts but well over 20 quarts of fruit.  They moved on, canning more fruit and more vegetables.  All of the fruit and vegetables they canned that day were multiplied in abundance.  God provided.  I watched Mama canning, I heard Grandma pray and Mama praise, and I knew God was doing something wonderful. 

Daddy loved James Bond movies and I was ecstatic to be at the Drive-In with him one night to watch one of the early James Bond movies.  We ate from a huge paper sack from the grocery store that Mama had filled with buttery popcorn.  I don't remember anything about the movie that night but I do remember learning a great lesson from Daddy.  It was a lesson that humbled me, made me realize more about the love of Jesus, and forever changed my heart.

We rarely went to a movie so part of the excitement of going to the Drive-In was to get there early and watch other cars drive in and park and to see if there was anyone I knew.  We were parked a couple of rows behind and to the right of the Concession so I got to watch the people as they went into or came out of the building.  We talked and laughed, but now I realize that I was the one doing most of the talking while Daddy mostly listened.  There were also times when we were both silent, just watching, like I said.

It was during one of our quiet times that I saw a girl my age walking past our truck.  Without thinking, I said I was glad I wasn't her because she was poor (oh! little did I know that we were in the same category!), and that sometimes she came to school dirty, and that no one wanted to be with her.  I don't remember ever having thought I was better than anyone and what I said was horrible but it was out there and I couldn't take back the words.  I was acutely aware that the atmosphere between Daddy and I changed and I expected a stern reprimand.  But instead, with tears in his eyes, Daddy started to tell me a parable from the Bible. 

He said that Jesus mentioned two men who were going to the temple to pray.  They were in a place where all the passersby could see and hear them.  One man, a Pharisee, was dressed with all the finery that money and position could buy.  The other man was a publican, a despised tax collector, one who did not hold a high or coveted position.  The Pharisee loudly proclaimed in his prayer that he thanked God that he was better than and not like other men, especially the tax collector beside him.  However, the publican would not even look up to the heavens, but struck his chest and humbly said, "God be merciful to me a sinner!"  Daddy then asked me to tell him which prayer was more pleasing to God.

Daddy didn't have to say any more.  I knew that I was no better than anyone else and that each of us was made by God equally.  It isn't the fine clothing or worldly position that makes us who we are, it is our attitude with God and toward others.  I chose to go to that girl I saw at the drive-in that night and to offer my friendship.  We became good friends.  Not because of who I was, but because of who God is!

A few weeks ago, I had the honor of speaking at a Mother/ Daughter Banquet.  I mentioned that regardless of the relationships we have had with our mothers (parents) or grandmothers (grandparents), we are a culmination of those relationships.  Did they leave us a legacy worthy of following and have we realized that we also leave a legacy to those who have or will come after us?  To me, I believe there is no greater legacy to leave our children and grandchildren; or nieces, nephews, neighbors, than the love and truth of Jesus Christ.

I have been blessed and honored to have led three of my grandchildren to their salvation in Jesus.  They have also been taught by their parents about the love and Word of God.  When they stay all night with me we always have our Bible time and our prayer time just before going to sleep.  With the two youngest, all I ask is do they want the Old or New Testament and from their answer, I choose which event to tell them about and to teach them.  Sometimes I ask, "Okay, do you want adventure, a mystery, a miracle?"  They tell me and on we go!  

But sometimes I wonder what they will carry with them through life.  We do a lot together but whatever we do, we always come back to Jesus.  I wonder, what will they remember?  Our talking and laughing and playing, our experimenting with various crafts, our Bible time our prayer time?  My occasional impatience?  What legacy am I leaving them?

Just over a month ago, my youngest granddaughter stayed all night with me.  At one point, while we were in the kitchen, she informed me that she had learned there is a devil.  She asked if I had heard about him and if so, what was his name?  I answered her questions but of course she had more.  Where did he come from?  Why does he hate God?  Why is he mean to us?  What is God going to do about it?  I answered each question but more importantly, I let her know that Jesus has already won our fight by dying on the cross for us and coming back to life.  That we are safe with Jesus.  I explained that Jesus is with God and is making a home for us so that we might live with Him forever.  She stopped me and said, "I know what we need to do!"

She ran to my bedroom and came back with one of my flashlights.  "Watch this, Grandma!"  She made a line of light on the floor from one wall of the kitchen to the other wall.  Then she went on to say, "Okay, on this side of the light is Jesus and this is where we are.  On that side is the devil and he can't come over here."  Then raising her voice, she yelled, "DO YOU HEAR THAT, DEVIL?  YOU ARE OVER THERE AND WE ARE HERE ON THIS SIDE OF THE LIGHT WITH JESUS.  YOU STAY THERE!  YOU CAN'T COME OVER HERE!  WE WILL ASK JESUS INTO OUR HEARTS 100 TIMES A DAY BECAUSE WE ARE ON THIS SIDE OF THE LIGHT."

No wonder Jesus said "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3; NIV) and "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:4; NIV)

This side of the light.   My granddaughter is six and has no idea how profound her statement was.  She just knew she was going to be on the side of Jesus.  We know that Jesus Christ is the light of the world.  "When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12; NIV)

There are times when I can feel overwhelmed with regret and shame for dishonoring God with my sin.  I can't stay in those thoughts because they keep me in darkness.  I know God has forgiven me of all things.  I know God has brought me into the light of life.  It is my prayer that I can let His light shine through me.  In Matthew 5:16, we are told, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." 

I know, yes, I know!, that the love I have for God and my desire to tell others of His love for them, is part of the legacy left to me by my parents, my grandparents, and all of those who showed me His love.  Is there any greater legacy to leave to others?  Truly, no matter what else I have done, if I don't leave  Jesus with others, I've done nothing!


Dear Father in Heaven!   
       May I learn to always come to you like a child in the purest of faith.  May my heart yell out, "I am on this side of the light!"   You are glorious and mighty, you are gentle and kind and loving.  Oh, Jesus, I am not better than anyone because you died equally for us all.  I pray for those who don't know you, Lord.  May they too, one day, say that they want only you and to be on this side of the light.  
       Be glorified, my Lord, my God, and my King!
       In Jesus Name, Amen! 
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